Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wine Whine

I've mentioned that the food is fabulous. Not the wine. The wine is terrible. I've tried two bottles of local wine. One was barely drinkable, the other was not. There is a limited amount of imported (mostly Australian) wine available - but it's extremely expensive. Bottles of YellowTail, which are maybe $4-5 at home are about $22 here. Most restaurants don't serve alcohol, but we ate in a fairly expensive Italian restaurant which did - and a glass of wine was more expensive than most of the main courses. Being a cheapskate (I do have a kid in college after all) I got the bright idea that I could buy a bottle of gin and make drinks at home if we wanted. I'm now trying to find limes. I went to three shops yesterday, no limes. Aha, a local street vendor had what looked like limes. I had to buy a kilo of them, since the street vendors have the traditional balance scales that use weights, but hey no problem. I could use a few in a marinade for some chicken breasts. Unfortunately, when I cut into them, I discovered they were not limes, but tiny oranges completely full of seeds. The search for limes continues today.

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About Me

Spending 12 weeks in India, mostly in Bangalore.